
Friday, May 24, 2019

Remove traces of hair coloration

Remove traces of hair coloration

Remove traces of hair coloration

Often, when you leave the barber's office or do your coloring yourself, you end up with stains on the skin. However, there are some tips for removing them, or at least erasing them to a great extent. Here are the tips.
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1 - The toothpaste

Not all of the possible uses of toothpaste are well imagined. Here he can help you against staining tasks. Take a hazelnut and apply to the task, rub with a glove or with a piece of clean tissue for a few tens of seconds then rinse thoroughly with water.

2 - Baking soda

For this trick you will need to mix liquid soap with baking soda. Put your mixture on your (or your) task (s) and rub on the finger, with a cotton disc or a piece of clean cloth. Then rinse thoroughly. You can repeat the operation if necessary.

3 - Remover for nail polish

Use sparingly because the solvent is not really good to inhale or leave on the skin. Avoid this solution as much as possible (it is not good for the skin of the face). But if you really do not have a choice, dip a cotton swab or soak a piece of cotton and dissolve and rub on the stain before rinsing the area thoroughly.

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