The first month of the new year is coming to an end, and the promises to myself - "I'll eat healthy", "more exercise", "I lose 5 kg" - slowly sinking into oblivion as a lousy dream you want to forget sooner?
1. Just get up - drink a glass of water. Many people in the morning are attacking drinking coffee without having prepared the stomach properly. The specialist says that water in the morning helps to wake the intestine, tones the stomach and rinses the gastrointestinal tract. Natural mineral water, saturated with electrolyte, is well suited for this - it regulates the balance of acids and alkalis in the body, "feeds" the cells, prevents them from dehydrating, so at least one glass of water helps to awaken the body and prepare the internal organs for further daily food.
D. Rapalytė notes that mineral water is useful throughout the day as it helps to restore the lack of electrolytes in the body: “Many people are thinking about the amount of missing vitamins in the diet, but the lack of minerals is just as common as vitamins. Most people lack magnesium, calcium, potassium or iron. The easiest way to restore the right balance is to sip small amounts of water in the morning with the electrolyte-rich mineral water. It is especially necessary for people who do sports, diets and people who are sick after illnesses, ”says D. Rapalytė.
2. Don't start the day without breakfast! D. Rapalytė recommends that she never refuse breakfast, as it is often the reason for later overeating. Breakfast ingestion balances blood sugar and a person eats more food in the second half of the day, and should be the other way around. A variety of porridge flavored with fruit, berries or possibly vegetables is the ideal option for breakfast.
3. Eat at least one portion of green vegetables. “Uncooked vegetables have a lot of fiber, enzymes that are very useful for intestinal and healthy weight. For a healthy diet, it is important to understand that diets should be dominated by the least processed, fresh and green foods. A diet rich in canned, processed foods usually does not add to the amount of electrolyte required by humans. Most minerals are rich in vegetables, fruits, berries and mineral water, ”explains D. Rapalytė.
4. Change the milk chocolate to black. The specialist discloses that it is not necessary to completely abandon a dessert or a small piece of chocolate. However, it should be remembered that, for example, milk chocolate is dominated by excess sugar. Meanwhile, the amount of sugar in the black chocolate is much lower, it contains many substances that improve metabolism and prevent aging.
5. Add more herbs to your diet. “Herbs can not only replace brewed cubes or universal spice mixes containing sodium glutamate and other preservatives, but also help control and adjust the amount of salt you consume. The dish is deliberately picked by the selection of individual spices to automatically balance the amount of spices that have a negative effect. Also, herbs are rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, ”says D. Rapalytė. Adapted simple principles of healthy eating help to take a step towards greater and more drastic changes. According to D. Rapalytė, only the first benefit of a healthy diet is discovered, meaning that it is possible to live a healthy life from the heart, not because a new year has come or something has been said to be necessary. For more inspiration and advice to help you make the positive changes, you can always find Birute Effect in the project with the recommendations of a healthy diet and lifestyle with the advice of nutritionist Deimantė Rapalytė.
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