
Sunday, June 9, 2019

Perfect Breakfast: The Ultimate Guide

Perfect Breakfast: The Ultimate Guide

Perfect Breakfast: The Ultimate Guide

The definitive guide so that at last you can make yourself a perfect breakfast
Why it's so important to make a perfect breakfast
"Des-fast = break the fast"

They say that breakfast is the main meal of the day. Although we also now have semi-fasting supporters who recommend skipping breakfast and going directly to the midday meal by throwing liquids, such as juices, infusions or coffees.

Of what there is no doubt is that when you get up in the morning, you have spent about 8 to 10 hours without eating. In this time of rest, your body has been doing endless tasks of repair and regeneration of tissues, your blood has been filtered several times and your mind has processed the information of the previous day.

After these hours of fasting, it seems a good idea to provide your body with the nutrients it needs to face the waking state with the best conditions. Give him the necessary resources so that he has more opportunities to achieve the best results, whatever you do.

What happens if you do not eat breakfast
When you skip breakfast, you prolong the nocturnal fast to the waking state. This may not be a good idea. Most likely, your body has already consumed a large amount of resources in repair efforts and maintenance of basal metabolism.

It is likely that your blood glucose is quite low in the morning, this is the engine of your nervous system and muscles. In this way, when jumping breakfast you force your body to use its reserves as an energy source.

But glucose is not the only thing the body needs in the morning. You will need a good amount of good quality fats such as omega 3 for all its benefits or amino acids that will act as neurotransmitter precursors. Also vitamins and minerals that will act as cofactors of enzymatic reactions, water to hydrate and a good handful of phytonutrients will not come at all bad either.

If you do not eat breakfast you deprive your body of the possibility of having all these important nutrients. It will work with what you have available and it is very possible that you can not do it 100%.

Several studies found that school-age children who ate breakfast had better grades and school performance than those who did not eat breakfast. study - study

What happens to you when there are too many sugars in your breakfast
Unfortunately, the current trend in our culture is to make breakfasts too rich in simple carbohydrates.

For a few years and thanks to the insidious advertising presence we have been led to believe that a perfect breakfast is based on box cereals, with a little milk, honey and hopefully a banana is the ideal. If we add to that the orange juice and the coffee with milk with brown sugar we will have the perfect breakfast ... WHY NO!

I'm afraid they've cheated on us. A breakfast like the one described is nothing more than a sugar-laden bomb. Usually we just have breakfast and we sit in the car, motorcycle or subway to move to a job in which we probably do not dedicate ourselves to carrying 50-kilo bags on our shoulders.

If our breakfast is so rich in sugars, what we will do is generate a sudden rise in glucose in our blood, a condition that excites our nervous system generating an inflammatory response similar to that which occurs in people with diabetes. To counteract this harmful situation, the body will secrete a series of hormones that will cause this glucose to be rapidly absorbed, if we do not take advantage of it ... can you imagine what it will do with this valuable source of energy? Turn it into reserves: fat tissue!

And the thing does not end here, no. When rapidly absorbed, glucose levels fall very quickly from the blood, causing what we call reaction hypoglycemia. A condition in which you can feel nervous, tired, deconcentrated, with "bad milk". And most likely you will feel dead from wanting to eat something else sweet in a few hours.

Breakfast perecto

What happens to you when there are too many sugars in your breakfast CLICK TO TUITE

A breakfast where sugar predominates, does not contribute to your mental, emotional or organic balance. Glucose spikes upset your body and make you feel stressed, more tired and desirous of unhealthy foods. Also in this breakfast are missing other important nutrients to be truly nutritious, satiating and balancing. You can delve into the origins of this bad habit in this intresantísimo and fun post by Eva Muerde la Manzana.

There is, however, a much healthier formula ...

The sparing gene and how to deactivate it
The geneticist and diabetologist James Neel, back in 1962 formulated the hypothesis about the "saving gene". It suggests that our bodies, whose genetic code dates back to the times when we were mammoth hunters, are prepared to survive seasons of famine and fasting thanks to this thrifty gene. It allows to generate good reserves of fat in the body from sporadic food intakes.

For these populations that suffered such frequent famines this gene represented an evolutionary advantage that made their survival possible.

But in our days, we have access to all kinds of food at all times! The sparing gene is still active and could be one of the causes of obesity in an important part of the population.

In his book "Healthy for Life", the Heller doctors explain a theory to "turn off" this energy-saving gene since early morning. They argue that to prevent our body from beginning to produce lipid reserves from breakfast, it is necessary to incorporate a quantity of proteins and fats of good quality.

Avoid sudden rises and falls in blood glucose

While this "perfect breakfast" includes some carbohydrates, they will be complex, associated with fiber. For example: whole wheat rye, spelled or gluten-free bread, whole fruits with their skin and in some cases vegetables or vegetables.

Being associated with proteins, fats and fiber, these carbohydrates will be digested more slowly. For this reason, glucose will enter the blood more slowly. Providing sustained energy to your nervous system and your entire body.

You will also save yourself the destructive rises and falls of glucose that I just told you happen when you eat very refined or sweet foods, such as toast of white bread with honey or jam or a squeezed orange juice.

It keeps you sated for longer = decreases anxiety!
Proteins have very interesting and perhaps little known properties:

They can reduce the feeling of appetite and hunger as they produce a feeling of fullness for longer. Reduce levels of hunger hormone: ghrelin
In turn, they keep the YY peptides elevated for a longer time, which act as a hormone that makes us feel full and without hunger.
The combination of healthy fats, proteins and fiber delays stomach emptying
So during the morning you will not have that anxiety for food that many people wake up to. In fact, there will be some who in some cases will not need to eat more solid foods until the time of the meal. Or you can take a simple piece of fruit or nuts and you'll be so happy.

Breakfast paleo, without cereals

A delicious and very healthy option for omnivores. These are combinations of proteins and good quality fats with vegetables, tubers and vegetables.

Here the queen is creativity. You can take vegetables that you have cooked the day before, reheat them a bit and add one of the following from each group:

Good quality proteins:

eco eggs (trying to make the yolk always raw to make the most of its benefits)
small blue fish: anchovies, anchovies, mackerel, sardines
seafood like cuttlefish, mussels, prawns
ecological turkey
Good fats:

extra virgin olive oil
coconut oil
ghee (clarified butter)
In order to give you very clear and illustrative examples, I have turned to an expert dietitian and disseminator in the Paleo diet and its application in autoimmune diseases. She is Montse Reus and you can see in the following link her nutritious photo gallery of paleo breakfasts.

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